American Fast Freight Ltd.

American Fast Freight Ltd. is a one of BC company which involved in the transportation of freight. We have different carriers and best rates of cargo from one place to another across the US and Canada with carefully safety and efficiency. American Fast Freight to ensure the best possible fast delivery services to you. Along with, fast standard cargo carrying trailers, we also moderate the necessary equipment and highly advanced top or shipment tracking software. The safety of your fast freight is our topmost priority, we think that if you get success, definitely we succeed. Choose us to get deliver cargo to the desired locations on the proper time and getting with proper security. We strive to make a good relationship with customer for the long term by catering the all requirements related to transportation of fast fright in a good manner.

  • Monday – Friday 7 AM to 5 PM
  • Call Us 778-361-4200
  • Email Us american@fastfreight.info


Why Drive the Fast Freight Ltd.

I think that when you choose American Fast Freight ltd. You are choosing to become a member of a family, one is main concern safety and goals. Our simple answer is we did not get success unless you succeed. Join our American Fast Freight Ltd. Lets shake hand and grow together.